Hey cparker,

Thanks for the positive feedback! It makes a slightly-p*ssed bloke very
happy on a Monday evening...

> How about adding a return option, so that I can see what time my wife is
> getting home from London. You could have the display cycle between them
> or even have an option to have the return journey be the primary
> display say after lunchtime.

That's a great plan - I like it :)

> Also if its possible how about a press up and down buttons to see the
> next train thats coming?

Yep, it's on the list. "The Law Of Sod" said that I needed that feature
this morning, after making the plugin public just 8 hours previously.

For your info, the other functional item on the list is to make the
"destination" station optional, so it shows every arrival/departure
from the "start" station.



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