I'm having trouble getting Moose to play album/artist containing special
As it has full Unicode support I suppose it must be some setting on my
system (WinXPS P2).

I scanned from library source=folders.
When I try to play files from a folder with a lowercase 'u acute' in
its name, the Moose log shows this as %c3%ba (in bitmap cache) and also
as %C3%83%C2%BA (from filesystem) as the fragment below shows.

Any ideas what I can do to make it play without renaming folders (which
does work)?

Skipping auto dequeue since another dequeue has happened within the
last 2 seconds
Reply: 00%3A04%3A20%3A06%3Aaf%3Aa4 status - 1 tags%3Ajalydestru
player_name%3ALiving%20Room player_connected%3A1 power%3A1
signalstrength%3A0 mode%3Astop mixer%20volume%3A100
playlist%20repeat%3A0 playlist%20shuffle%3A0 playlist_tracks%3A0
pass = 0
Checking bitmap cache for Anúna (1995) [An%c3%bana+-+An%c3%bana+(1995)]
Checking bitmap cache for Anúna (1995) [An%c3%bana+-+An%c3%bana+(1995)]
Checking bitmap cache for Anúna (1995) [An%c3%bana+-+An%c3%bana+(1995)]
Checking bitmap cache for Anúna (1995) [An%c3%bana+-+An%c3%bana+(1995)]
Queuing: 00:04:20:06:af:a4 status - 1 tags:jalydestru

CLI dequeue: 00:04:20:06:af:a4 status - 1 tags:jalydestru

Skipping auto dequeue since another dequeue has happened within the
last 2 seconds
Reply: 00%3A04%3A20%3A06%3Aaf%3Aa4 status - 1 tags%3Ajalydestru
player_name%3ALiving%20Room player_connected%3A1 power%3A1
signalstrength%3A0 mode%3Astop mixer%20volume%3A100
playlist%20repeat%3A0 playlist%20shuffle%3A0 playlist_tracks%3A0
pass = 0
Queuing: 00:04:20:06:af:a4 status - 1 tags:jalydestru

CLI dequeue: 00:04:20:06:af:a4 status - 1 tags:jalydestru

Skipping auto dequeue since another dequeue has happened within the
last 2 seconds
Reply: 00%3A04%3A20%3A06%3Aaf%3Aa4 status - 1 tags%3Ajalydestru
player_name%3ALiving%20Room player_connected%3A1 power%3A1
signalstrength%3A0 mode%3Astop mixer%20volume%3A100
playlist%20repeat%3A0 playlist%20shuffle%3A0 playlist_tracks%3A0
pass = 0
Queuing: 00:04:20:06:af:a4 playlist save MooseUndo2

CLI dequeue: 00:04:20:06:af:a4 playlist save MooseUndo2

Queuing: 00:04:20:06:af:a4 playlist add

Reply: 00%3A04%3A20%3A06%3Aaf%3Aa4 playlist save MooseUndo2
CLI dequeue: 00:04:20:06:af:a4 playlist add

Reply: 00%3A04%3A20%3A06%3Aaf%3Aa4 playlist add
Reply: 00%3A04%3A20%3A06%3Aaf%3Aa4 playlist cant_open
Reply: 00%3A04%3A20%3A06%3Aaf%3Aa4 playlist load_done
Queuing: 00:04:20:06:af:a4 status 0 50 tags%3A

CLI dequeue: 00:04:20:06:af:a4 status 0 50 tags%3A

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