RobbH wrote: 
> That logic is not so clear in the drag and drop interface, but I'm sure
> I could learn the new logic and follow it. 

The player you drop onto is the master - or if that player is already in
a sync group, then its the master of that group. Sync masters are shown
first, then other players below. e.g.

Player A
Player B
Player C

If I drop C onto B, B becomes master

Player A
Player B
|-Player C

If I drop A onto C (or B) B is master of A & C

Player B
|- Player A
|- Player C

RobbH wrote: 
> The "Synchronize" option seems to work the same as before. It's just in
> a new location. But I haven't yet tested it thoroughly, so it may turn
> out that there are differences.

It's *exactly* the same - same dialog, same code.

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