Using the latest Material (1.80). I find that while listening to music
using DSTM the playlist lists tracks up to a point and then adds
tracksthrough DTSM which do not appear on the Material interface. I
thought perhaps refreshing the Firefox page would fix this but the whole
playlist disappeared, but music keeps playing

|Filename: Selection_008.jpg                                        |

Logitech Media Server Version: 8.0.0 - 1584980762 @ Mon Mar 23 
Operating system: Debian - EN - utf8 
Platform Architecture: x86_64-linux
Perl Version: 5.26.1 - x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.58 (sqlite 3.22.0)

One SB Touch connected by Ethernet - Denon AVR -1912 Receiver,
Paradigm 4.1 speakers
SB Classic connected by Optical to FX Audio D802C amp and Sinclair
bookshelf speakers
Two SB Radios wireless
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