Several "Access Rate limit exceeded" error this weekend for me (using
LMS 7.9.3) with Windows 10

yep, have seen this, too. I've seen an increase of requests of about 50% over the past few days :-(

Stopping and restarting the server works for just 1-2 tracks... any
workaround for this?

You could get your own client ID by going to and enter it in the Spotty settings.

Is this because too many people are using Spotty (if I understand the
meaning of 'this post'

Too many users, or some bug triggering crazy number of requests. I guess it's a combination of the two. When this happens I usually see a massive increase of some random requests. Eg. a few days ago I saw a 12-15x increase of "pause" requests (we're talking about hundreds of thousands of those!). Totally doesn't make sense. But as this has happened a few weeks ago already, I must assume there's a bug triggering this.


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