Tried Spotty with Squeezebox Server 7.9.3 - 1579195498 @ Thu Jan 16
21:08:22 WEST 2020 on Windows 10 Pro x64.
Now, I use squeezelite installed on the same machine, to listen on
headphones while at my desk. Squeezelite is latest release 1.9.7-1256

When I listen to Spotify songs play just fine for a little while, more
than a minute, less than two usually.
And then in logs I see stuff like this:

  [20-07-04 02:19:44.0013] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction 
(270) bc:5f:f4:bf:3e:70: StatusHeartbeat in PLAYING-STREAMING -> 
  [20-07-04 02:19:44.6747] Slim::Player::Source::_readNextChunk (349) Read to 
end of file or pipe
  [20-07-04 02:19:44.6749] Slim::Player::Source::_readNextChunk (372) end of 
file or error on socket, song pos: 154085619
  [20-07-04 02:19:44.6751] Slim::Player::Source::_readNextChunk (377) 
bc:5f:f4:bf:3e:70 mark end of stream

And playbacks skips to the next song in playlist, rinse and repeat.

Any idea on why?

Also... I launch squeezelite with these arguments: "-n Headphones -s
Music -c flac,pcm,mp3,ogg,aac,wma,dsd -o 17 -a :1". Last argument is for
bitperfect playback through WASAPI exclusive. But the thing that I don't
understand is why I see SB Server transcoding to flac when the player is
configured to handle ogg natively. Operatively it doesn't change a
thing, but I'm curious...

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