Thanks @philippe. I created a test install of
logitechmediaserver_8.0.0_1602603940_amd64.deb on my Ubuntu box and
replaced the file in /usr/share/perl5/Slim/Player by your
modified file. In a test version of the skill, I added &throttle to the
stream's URL. 

What happens is that playback on the Echo starts and stops every ~10
seconds, probably due to rebuffering so the Echo does not like too much
starvation. During the periods that music is actually playing, selecting
-next -in iPeng does move to the next track quickly, so that's promising
for sure !

If you PM me your Amazon account email then I can send you a beta invite
to the test skill so that you can play with it yourself. I'll strip out
the subscription code as that won't work for you in the en-CA Amazon
store (assuming that's where you have your Amazon account).

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