Bamsefar wrote: 
> I wonder if anyone could tell me if there is a way to "reload" Spotify
> created playlists?
> Background: I have a homeautomation system (Homeseer with the Squeezebox
> plugin - works like a charm by the way!) that controls the background
> music. Depending on time of day and other "rules" the HS (HomeSeer)
> system will choose between internet radio station or one of three
> playlists in Spotify. Now the playlists we talk about here is not one
> created by me or anyone in the family, no this is some of the ones that
> Spotify autocreate. Like "Chill hits" or "Todays Top Hits" or "Lugnt &
> Skönt" (swedish, translates to something like "soft and relax" I guess).
> Anyway, I would assume this playlists are changed maybe not every day
> but at least every week or so. However I do not seem to get any new
> versions of them, except if I restart my server... And that simply does
> not happen very often, after all it is a homeautomation system and LMS
> is installed on the same Ubuntu box - so restart is well never... unless
> I make some sort of changes and need to reboot to get a new kernel or
> something installed...
> So, is there any way to reload the spotify created playlists? Or are
> they downloaded somewhere on the server so I could remove them (the
> playlists or something)?

I might need to add: The three playlists mentioned above, that are
created by Spotify, are marked as Favorites in LMS - that might be a big
deal or not?

Best Regards
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