My issue continues... (only on the Ubuntu machine at my GF's)... this is
what the log file says after restart to update Spotty to 4.4.0 after I
entered my account info in the Spotty settings...

[20-11-05 10:36:28.8972] main::init (387) Starting Logitech Media Server
(v7.9.2, 1578996832, Tue Jan 14 12:17:56 CET 2020) perl 5.026001 -
[20-11-05 10:36:29.8280] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1255) Warning:
[10:36:29.8278] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::update_or_create(): Query
returned more than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is
DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at /usr/share/perl5/Slim/
line 1871
[20-11-05 10:36:46.5992] Plugins::Spotty::API::Token::_killTokenHelper
(179) Timed out waiting for a token
[20-11-05 10:40:33.9574] Plugins::Spotty::API::Token::_killTokenHelper
(179) Timed out waiting for a token
[20-11-05 10:40:33.9581] Plugins::Spotty::OPML::__ANON__ (191) Failed to
get featured playlists and/or token - do not continue
[20-11-05 10:40:33.9880] Plugins::Spotty::OPML::__ANON__ (191) Failed to
get featured playlists and/or token - do not continue

When I want to play a song and start it, it'll look like it's playing
but stays muted, then goes back to the zero mark, and then loops again.
Then eventually it starts playing. If I fast forward to the next song,
I'll observe the same behavior again... it enter a loop until then the
song plays fine. After the song finishes, it will not continue with the
playlist... no new entries in the log file, though...

And now, when I try to navigate to spotty on the LMS web menu, it'll

Failed to get access token
Please check Settings/Advanced/Spotty Spotify for Squeezebox in the web

And now the next song in the playlist started playing... and now the log
file reads...

[20-11-05 10:36:28.8972] main::init (387) Starting Logitech Media Server
(v7.9.2, 1578996832, Tue Jan 14 12:17:56 CET 2020) perl 5.026001 -
[20-11-05 10:36:29.8280] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1255) Warning:
[10:36:29.8278] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::update_or_create(): Query
returned more than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is
DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at /usr/share/perl5/Slim/
line 1871
[20-11-05 10:36:46.5992] Plugins::Spotty::API::Token::_killTokenHelper
(179) Timed out waiting for a token
[20-11-05 10:40:33.9574] Plugins::Spotty::API::Token::_killTokenHelper
(179) Timed out waiting for a token
[20-11-05 10:40:33.9581] Plugins::Spotty::OPML::__ANON__ (191) Failed to
get featured playlists and/or token - do not continue
[20-11-05 10:40:33.9880] Plugins::Spotty::OPML::__ANON__ (191) Failed to
get featured playlists and/or token - do not continue
[20-11-05 10:50:02.6330] Plugins::Spotty::API::Token::_killTokenHelper
(179) Timed out waiting for a token
[20-11-05 10:50:02.6338] Plugins::Spotty::OPML::__ANON__ (191) Failed to
get featured playlists and/or token - do not continue
[20-11-05 10:51:19.0408] Plugins::Spotty::API::Token::_killTokenHelper
(179) Timed out waiting for a token
[20-11-05 10:51:19.0416] Plugins::Spotty::OPML::__ANON__ (191) Failed to
get featured playlists and/or token - do not continue

Server: Virtual Machine (on VMware Workstation) running Ubuntu 18.04 +
LMS 7.9.1
System: SB Touch --optical->- Benchmark DAC2HGC --AnalysisPlus Oval
Copper XLR->- NAD M22 Power Amp --AnalysisPlus Black Mesh Oval->- KEF
Reference 1
Other Rooms: 2x SB Boom; 1x SB Radio; 1x SB Classic-> NAD D7050 -> Totem
DreamCatcher + Velodyne Minivee Sub
Computer audio: workstation --USB->- audioengine D1 -> Grado RS1/Shure
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