[20-11-13 09:31:53.5073]
Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_players_error (377)
to get players from SN: Onverwachte fout opgetreden tijdens validatie
van je mysqueezebox.com-account. Zorg ervoor dat de netwerkverbinding
goed werkt., retrying in 172800 seconds

My Dutch(?) isn't great, obviously :-). But doesn't that mean that LMS can't access mysb.com? This has nothing to do with a player or another, but it's LMS which can't talk to mysb.com. And if it can't do so, then there's something wrong. This could eg. be a networking issue.

[20-11-13 16:20:12.4260] Slim::Plugin::OnlineLibrary::Plugin::__ANON__
(174) Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at
line 424.

That most likely is only the symptom of a failed request to Qobuz. Which again could be due to some networking issue.

Please enable logging for plugin.qobuz and try again. Then share the full server.log file with me.


Pasting the api url from the scanner.log in the browser shows this
message: {"status":"error","code":400,"message":"Invalid or missing
app_id parameter"}

Googling this message suggests that Qobuz has cancelled all api keys

Nah, I remove them from the URL before logging the URL, as log files are easily shared...


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