For Android, try the app Squeezer - it allows changing the Squeezebox
volume when the SB output is fixed at 100%. Plays well with iPeng and my
DenonSerial plugin.

Have you tried my DenonSerial plugin? I've always been under the
impression that Chris' AVP control was nicer, but if it's giving you
trouble, you might want to give mine a try. As for the web UI softer
button, I think my plugin might take a different approach because I
don't think it has any such problem. IIRC (and I haven't touched the
code much in the last decade), my plugin always deals with absolute
volume levels so there's no square root of negative problem. E.G. my
plugin allows others to decrease the fictional SB volume and then
calculates what the Denon volume should be, and connects to the Denon to
effect that.

And yes the plugin name is a misnomer: it can connect to the Denon over
TCP/IP (I use a Raspberry Pi with ser2net exposing the Denon RS232 port
as a simple unencrypted TCP service.)

Good luck.

owner of the stuff at https://tuxreborn.netlify.app/
(which used to reside at www.tux.org/~peterw/)
Note: The best way to reach me is email or PM, as I don't spend much
time on the forums.
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