peterw wrote: 
> DAR,
> For Android, try the app Squeezer - it allows changing the Squeezebox
> volume when the SB output is fixed at 100%. Plays well with iPeng and my
> DenonSerial plugin.
> Have you tried my DenonSerial plugin? I've always been under the
> impression that Chris' AVP control was nicer, but if it's giving you
> trouble, you might want to give mine a try. As for the web UI softer
> button, I think my plugin might take a different approach because I
> don't think it has any such problem. IIRC (and I haven't touched the
> code much in the last decade), my plugin always deals with absolute
> volume levels so there's no square root of negative problem. E.G. my
> plugin allows others to decrease the fictional SB volume and then
> calculates what the Denon volume should be, and connects to the Denon to
> effect that.
> And yes the plugin name is a misnomer: it can connect to the Denon over
> TCP/IP (I use a Raspberry Pi with ser2net exposing the Denon RS232 port
> as a simple unencrypted TCP service.)
> Good luck.

Thanks, Peter.  Just saw your message after I had already replied to
Chris.  So far, DenonSerial is working well for me, both on the LMS web
page and with the Squeeze Ctrl app.  I also appreciate being able to add
extra commands after PWON, since I may need to change inputs on the
receiver when I start up my squeezebox.  I'll let you know if I notice
any issues, but I really appreciate both of your efforts!

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