comeng wrote: 
> I am feeling particularly thick today so I am trying to get a simplistic
> view on this situation
> My thinking (which maybe wrong) was the LMS server says to each player
> here is what you are going to play, then says start now. After which the
> server steps back and allows the players to do the business just
> monitoring what is coming down the stream for display on the web
> interface
> Now the implication is that there is feedback from the players to the
> server saying I have just played bit x or bit y  or bit z and it maybe
> for some reason these are not identical and therefore something either
> the server or the "master" player says resynchronise so the leading
> player stops playing for a millisecond or two to let the others catch
> up. Or the slowest one has to jump forward and if the error gets too
> great then then server says restart.
> Or alternatively the server streams the feed to each player separately
> and the server is continuously calling for more data to pump to the
> players and if one player cannot accept a package from the server for
> whatever reason the server calls a halt.
> Whichever scenario is appropriate then variation for synchronisation
> should be in milliseconds and not seconds running into a minutes.
> So my thought is to carry out a test of firstly each Pi in turn
> unsynchronised to see if there is an issue with a particular Pi.
> Then synchronise 2 Pi's out of 3 using all 3 possible combinations 1-2,
> 1-3, 2-3
> Then go back to all 3 Pi's
> Does this seem to be a reasonable suggestion on how toidentify the
> problem area
> Phil

I'm no expert in this area,  but I believe that it tries to keep the 3
players in synch and when it gets to the point where one of them has got
ahead of the others it tries to seek back in the stream.   On the BBC
Sounds live streams, although they support seeking, thinking about it,
it won't be able to get the data fast enough without causing a drop out
for all the players.  There is probably something I should set to
prevent that happening, (probably not allow seeking when players are
synched)  I'll have a dig around to find out what should happen.

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