cpd73 wrote: 
> The dev version sends +/- the defined volume increment when using the
> up/down vol buttons when a player has fixed volume. This is also
> extended by a server-side Material setting that will cause Material to
> 'ignore' the fixed volume state. When that is set, the volume for fixed
> volume players will be controlled as if they are not fixed volume - so
> the slider will be active, and the up/down buttons will set a volume
> relative to the current (as shown in the slider) volume. So, if vol=80%
> and increment=5%, then down will set volume to 75%
> However, I'm not sure if this is really required. Or if Material should
> just ignore fixed volume?

In my opinion MS should ignore the fixed volume setting (slider and
button) , or, at least give an Option to do so. Here a  short sum up of
the reasons I see:

- Consistency: It would work like default skin, Squeezer and iPeng. All
those ignore the fixed volume setting, or, at least have an option for
doing so.
- Less development effort: Fixed volume string is not localized yet,
manage player settings still ignores it
- Functional vs. cosmetic: Leaving the slider fixed strongly impacts the
usability in some cases and forces users to switch to another skin. On
the other side there is just a small cosmetic downside for others, when
the slider isn't fixed aymore.

This is only my opinion, but there are some objective reasons to think

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