flipflip wrote: 
> Somewhere in the forum I read that "LMS now comes with built-in rating
> support" and (I think) "[which] can be enabled in settings". I didn't
> find any reference to this besides some code, which appears to be some
> API for getting/setting track ratings.
> Am I right in assuming that there is no UI for getting/setting ratings
> in vanilla LMS? And hence we need to implement that ourselves? Which is
> what the Ratings Light plugin is all about?
> I do see my (Ratings Light) ratings in persist.db in table
> tracks_persistent. I guess that table is from vanilla LMS and the plugin
> is populating the "rating" field (column), right?

I haven’t actually used any later LMS than LMS 7.8 so I should probably
not answer this, but to my knowledge LMS has built-in support to
internally store ratings and to notify third party interfaces (Material
skin, iPeng and similar) the rating of currently playing track. I think
LMS standard is able to show rating to users but I don’t think it makes
it possible for a user to set ratings without a third party plugin/app
for this.

A long time ago the following commit was made for pluggable rating
implementations but I don’t remember if it’s actually used by anyone:
I think the idea was to make it possible for multiple plugins to provide
rating functionality and let the user choose which one to use. The
ratingCommand function in Commands.pm sounds like a way to set/get
rating but I suspect no third party client/skin actually is using that,
probably because I never got around to implement the call to
registerRatingImplementation function in TrackStat.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (http://erland.isaksson.info))
Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
*Starting with LMS 8.0 I no longer support my plugins/applets* ('see
here for more information'
erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
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