SamY wrote: 
> I guess that means it's time for 2.3, eh, Chris? ;-)
> Seriously, I am ready for beta testing of the changes I have been
> working on which I outlined previously. Here is a short list:
> 1. Synchronize the volume of the player client to the AVR volume during
> "power on" processing. This feature was not functioning correctly
> before, which would frequently cause the first client volume adjustment
> after powering on to give unexpected results.
> 2. Fix the failure of the plugin to power on the AVR the first time
> after LMS is started.
> 3. Fix possible command and timing conflicts when hitting "play" from a
> powered off state, i.e. combining turning on the AVR and starting the
> music selection in one command, which is supported but was prone to
> errors, especially when using the volume synching option.
> 4. The volume synching option will now only synch on track changes and
> not when the player is paused, as was the case previous to my last
> changes. The fact that volume synchronization is now done at "power on",
> combined with the fixes to volume synching in v2.1/2.2, eliminates the
> need for synching on "pause".  In fact, the only time the volume
> synching option should be needed now is when the AVR volume is regularly
> controlled via its front panel or remote control.
> 5. A minimum of 1 second for each of the delay options is now enforced
> in the code, again to minimize possible timing conflicts.
> 6. The default network timeout has been changed from .125 secs to .5
> secs.  On a fast network, this will make no difference. On those that
> are slower and more congested, it will prevent unnecessary timeouts.
> There are many smaller changes which are not worth mentioning but which
> I feel contribute to the overall stability and responsiveness of the
> plugin. I have uploaded new versions of and
> Please let me know what you think and if you have any problems with
> testing. Thanks for being so responsive and open to new ideas on this
> forum, Chris. As a retired software engineer, I know how rare those
> qualities are among those of us who write code.  ;-)

I tested all of this and it seemed to work well. Of course some of it I
cannot attest to because I did not observe the problems before.

I do have one question:  My AVP has a default On volume of -30.  My
Quick Select for the Touch is set to -40.  When my device powers on it
always sets to -30 no matter what the player or QS setting is. Do you
find the same on your AVR?

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