Shozzer wrote: 
> Using Material Skin I have pinned TrackStat to the main menu based on
> the Library View. When I use TrackStat, however, there is no obvious
> difference than using it with my whole library even though TrackStat is
> showing on the main menu as being pinned with the library selection.

This -could- be an issue with Material - you need to confirm if it is
sending the library ID when making TrackStat calls. If you use
Material's JSON debug (see my sig) you can see the REQ messages sent to
LMS. You should check to confirm that "library_id:XXXXX" (XXXXX is the
library ID, so will differ) is sent in the REQ messages.

However, it is also possible that TrackStat does not use library_id even
if it is passed.

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
(Use http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json,cometd to also see update
messages, e.g. play queue) 2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open
console tab in developer tools 4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS
will be logged here.
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