mherger wrote: 
> > I've got a Radio and so this thread intrigued me. Like tw99, though,
> I
> > have no idea what this is or what it does, and nowhere does it seem
> to
> > tell us. An explanation wold be nice... or maybe it's a nerd-only
> thing,
> > where if you need to ask you obviously don't qualify.
> You'd have to carefully read the announcement, or you could easily miss
> the link to the changelog ;-). Here it is:
> But as so often: if you didn't encounter any issues before, then there 
> is no _need_ to update.
> One possible positive side-effect of the removal of some legacy stuff is
> more free memory on the units. If you were using the image screensaver,
> then this might save you a bunch of reboots due to memory restrictions.
> -- 
> Michael

This was from a while ago, when I first saw this thread about the Radio
firmware. I followed Michael's advice and did nothing, as nothing seemed
broken on my Radio.

Today, however, while looking for something else in LMS's web UI, I
noticed this message in Information...

<< You seem to be using a Radio with an outdated firmware, not
recognizing this version of Logitech Media Server. Please consider
patching it. >>

Should I, indeed, reconsider? Radio is working perfectly well, still.

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