afriend wrote: 
> Created the OS PR.

Thanks, merged.

afriend wrote: 
> I see you've changed to extraction length to 30s. Will it distort the
> result of my ongoing analysis by much or at all if I stop the process
> now, change the value from 60s to 30s and then continue? Would love to
> save some time.

To be honest, no idea. However, for me, even at the previous 2mins the
analyis time was very fast - ~20k tracks/hour.

afriend wrote: 
> And I was actually thinking mostly of NUM_PREV_TRACKS_FILTER_ARTIST and

I'll think about adding these, as I also have a MusicIP mixer where they
could be added as well. I see no harm in making them configurable.

afriend wrote: 
> I forgot ask one thing though: many of my artist names are like
> "artistname (feat. anotherartist)" and some albums are like "albumname
> [expanded edition]". Is it save to include characters like "()[]" in the
> ignore part (config.json) or will this break a regex condition
> somewhere?

No regexes :) When meta-data is read back from the DB it is 'normalised'
- brackets removed, soem strings removed, lowercased, etc. Just to try
and help with mis-matched tags.

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