>Track 08: 
>ARTIST = Chris Botti
>ARTIST = Chris Botti; Billy Childs; Dominic Miller; Sting
>ARTIST = Sting
How have these tags been entered in the mp3 file?

I believe that SlimServer doesn't currently support multiple artist tags 
(although someone provided a patch recently that allows null-delimited list of 
artists in the same way as it supports multiple genres).

I enter my multiple artists all in one ARTIST tag using a field separator 
character ";".

Library/Artists looks like it lists album artists to me, whilst Server/Artists 
lists albums that an artist appears on.

Eg, in my Library/Artists/Brian Eno list I have 9 albums, but in 
Server/Artists/Brian Eno I have 25 albums, which includes his appearances on 
various artist albums, with Fripp & Eno, Cluster & Eno, etc.

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