mamema wrote: 
> You've said above "you're stll using.... songinfo....errors are
> this plugin no longer needed in 2022 with LMS 8.3+ ?
Don't know about "needed". I've never used -Songinfo/SongLyrics-. But
there were a lot of error messages in your previous log excerpts. Maybe
check for yourself: go to (LMS default skin) -song view- for a song
*without* embedded lyrics and see if the plugin still fetches lyrics (or
whatever else it was supposed to fetch).

mamema wrote: 
> one, quite funny thing is, that with the DPL3 plugin, if i use a "bring
> up 5 star" stuff sql query, then the rated song is coming up, but it is
> from another album, where this song is on. on compilation albums for
> example. The compilation song wasn't rated with RL.

If you start a dynamic playlist that's supposed to retrieve only 5-star
tracks from the LMS database, it doesn't matter *what* you used to rate
them in the past - RL, TrackStat, some SQLite command... All that
matters is that the LMS database has a 5-star rating (100) for this
As long as DPL3 only adds 5-star tracks that actually have a 5-star
rating in the LMS database, I'd say it's doing what it's supposed to.

In case I misunderstood your issue and you still think that DPL3/your
dynamic playlist is not working properly, then I'll need more
If it's a -built-in- dynamic playlist, please provide its *full* name
from the menu. If it's a -custom- dynamic playlist that you've created
(with or without '*Dynamic Playlist Creator*'
please post the SQLite code. And maybe log messages related to this
issue, if there are any.

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more detailed information about my plugins, please see the
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the *first post* in the support thread for a plugin. Please post *bug
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Thank you.
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