since this thread discusses all 3 bridges I guess its the perfect place
to ask. Which one in peoples opinions sync the best with Squeezlite

Airplay bridge works fine but so far sync is not great. Though I concede
this may be the fact I'm not using a genuine Airplay device but the
Air-receiver app on my Xbox

PiCorePlayer 8.2 on Allo Digi One Signature (Lounge)
PiCorePlayer 8.2 with  Hifiberry Digi+ Material running on PI for
control (Office)
PiCorePlayer 8.2 with pi official touchscreen and Hifiberry
Radio  (Bedroom)
PiCorePlayer 8.2 with Allo BOSS  DAC (Bedroom)
PiCorePlayer 8.2 with Hifiberry AMP+. Squeezelite=x for control
PiCorePlayer 8.2 with Hifiberry AMP+(Patio 2)
PiCorePlayer 8.2 with Hifiberry AMP+(Patio 2)

LMS 8.3 on DIY unRaid 6.11.1 Server (Seneca HDs)
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