So some people have a different opinion of what MaxVersion means - either:
a) The highest version that the plugin has been tested against and deemed to 
b) The highest version after which the plugin will not work any more.

I was thinking it was (b).

Perhaps there could be two attributes for each plugin - MaxTestedVersion 
(exceed this and get a warning) and MaxVersion (exceed this and plugin won't 
load). MaxVersion should be optional - not set or set to * if no problems are 

What is the definition of "not working"?  Is any fault considered "not working" 
and thus should cause SC to not load it?  Or is it only to be restricted when 
it would cause SC to not run properly (eg. crash at startup).

I'm playing AlienBBC radio channels and listen again fine on 7.2, although 
can't FWD/RWD.  That's fine with me - I don't often fast-forward listen again 
streams.  It's beta after all, I don't expect everything to work all the time.

If you know that a plugin is incompatible (crashes SC) after a certain version, 
then MaxVersion should of course be set.  I wouldn't stop that version of 
AlienBBC from running on 7.1 just because of the above problem though - it's a 
minor issue that doesn't affect SC.

If its predicted that a plugin won't work at all in the next SC revision, then 
its fair enough to set max version.  If it is not known at the time it is 
released, it's fair to not set MaxVersion (or set to *).

If plugins are restricted from running in the latest trunk, then they won't be 
tested.  I can't see a problem with a mechanism to ignore the max version check 
in SC beta releases (startup command line switch, prefs file setting) - doesn't 
need a UI config option.
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