>But IMHO it's the wrong way. People who know what they're doing, can easily 
>enable any plugin. The others just shouldn't do it. There's a good reason we 
>introduced version checking.

I agree with your reasoning, that people may call helpdesk/raise bugs when 
their problems are due to incompatible plugins.

A plugin cannot know in advance that it will be compatible with future 
versions.  So, if you want to stop plugins running  when they haven't been 
released specifically for the version of SC, SC shouldn't allow a plugin to 
load where MaxVersion is higher than the SC version, and the * wildcard should 
be disallowed.

There are already quite a few messages where people have asked why their 
favourite plugin has stopped working after upgrading from 7.0 to 7.0.1, and 
they have been told to edit the xml file to set MaxVersion=*.  In future 
versions, the plugin may not be compatible but will still try to run.

I think it's reasonable to allow plugins to run when the MaxVersion is lower 
than SC version, but to display warnings.  This is what my locl patch does - it 
still checks MaxVersion, but logs a warning and continues.  It would be good 
for possible incompatible plugins to be shown as warnings on the plugin 
settings page (or listed on the status page, etc).

MinVersion is more important - the plugin definitely should not load if the SC 
version isn't high enough.
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