erland;327566 Wrote: 
> I think you can ignore those errors at the moment, it feels like the
> problem is somewhere else. 
> From the log it looks like the TrackStat queries towards the database
> are extremely slow.
> What hardware are you running SqueezeCenter on ? Is this a standard
> computer with resonable amount of RAM or a NAS box ?
> How large is your library (how many songs) ?
> Is SqueezeCenter configured to transcode the music to another format
> than the original music file format ? For example, does this problem
> only occur when you have set the bitrate limit configuration ?
> Is it possible for you to temporary install the Database Query plugin
> and post the result of "Extras/Database Query/TrackStat Statistics" ?
> There is a risk it is really slow if that query is as slow as the
> normal queries, but it's worth a try to get a feeling if something is
> corrupt in the TrackStat data tables.

Here is my info:

AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5000+
Operating System Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Ultimate
Total Virtual Memory 4208 MB 
Available Virtual Memory 1640 MB 
Total Page File Size 2281 MB 
Available Page File Size 1125 MB 
Swap File C:\pagefile.sys

SqueezeCtr Info:

Information on all identified devices connected to SqueezeCenter

Library Statistics

Total Tracks: 11,245

Total Albums: 976

Total Artists: 3,554

Total Genres: 49

Total Playing Time: 946:17:32

SqueezeCenter Information

SqueezeCenter Version: 7.1 - 22170 @ Mon Jul 28 13:36:57 PDT 2008 -
Windows Vista - EN - cp1252
Server IP address:
Perl Version: 5.8.8 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt

Platform Architecture: 586

Hostname: Dell-Desktop

Server Port Number: 9000

Total Players Recognized: 3

Player Information

Name: Cafe1820

Model: softsqueeze

Firmware: 2

Name: Club1820

Model: Squeezebox v3

Firmware: 101

Wireless Signal Strength: 78

Name: Lounge1820

Model: Squeezebox v3

Firmware: 101

Also, I already have the Database Query Plugin installed:  Database
Query (v2.0.beta02) 

here is that info:  

TrackStat Statistics (Edit Execute) ( CSV  ,  Structured XML  ,  XML 

Number of songs         11245   
Number of history entries       8142   
Number of played unique songs           4346   
Number of totally played songs          8376   
Number of unplayed songs        6899   
Number of unplayed albums       699   
Number of unplayed artists      3222   
Number of rated songs           440   
Number of 1 star rated songs            11   
Number of 3 star rated songs            224   
Number of 4 star rated songs            173   
Number of 5 star rated songs            32   
Number of unrated songs         10805  

Finally, I only have SqueezeCtr set to transcode FLAC files to 320kbps
at work.  But only at work.  At home, files are played in their natural

I've had this issue BOTH at home AND work.



Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, M&K VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3
Club1820's Profile:
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