MeSue;338304 Wrote: 
> Hi Chad,
> Hope you are enjoying your Boom!

I am, actually ever since Roku anounced the SB Radio, I've wanted
something like this, but I guess I had to "ease" myself into spending
the cash by getting a cheap Roku first.  I already like the SBB better,
and I know I'll love it when I get the plugins all setup the way I

> To get your JRMC ratings into SqueezeCenter, you will need Erland's
> Custom Scan plugin. Then go into the settings for Custom Scan and
> enable the Rating Tag module.

I'd actually made it that far today.  But it still wasn't pulling in
ratings so I turned on debug logging I saw in another post get get some

> Mine is set like this (but I use MP3 - not sure if it makes a
> difference):
> Include in automatic scans and "Scan All" - Checked
> Scanning order in automatic and "Scan All" (1-100) - Blank 
> Write ratings to slimserver - Checked 
> Rating tag name: RATING
> Max rating value: 100

That's exactly what I needed, though not the exact values.  I'd got
CustomScan working and pulling in ratings from the files, but they
never showed up in any of the lists.  So looking at this, and looking
at the tags in the files, I realized that the ratings in the files are
1-5, not 1-100, so I needed to set "Max rating value" to 5 to get it to
convert the ratings right.  Looks like I'm getting more reasonable
ratings no of 60/80/etc, and I saw a few songs in the trackstat
Rating==4 View so it looks like it's working now.


> It sounds like you may already have the SQL Playlist and Dynamic
> Playlists plugins set up. I'm not sure if you need Trackstat as well,
> but I have it installed. I think you need it if you want to see your
> ratings on the display and in the Web UI.

I've got all those installed, it was CustomScan that was missing when I
posted.  I "think" they're working but I haven't had any valid ratings
to go by yet so I'll have to dig into them again.

> Another plugin I have found very useful since starting this thread is
> Philip Meyer's Playlist Manager -
> I'm using this now instead of the "Zapped songs" playlist for when I
> want to change the rating of a song up or down or when I notice bad
> tags or a messed up file. It's a little bit of maintenance to import
> the playlists into JRMC, make changes, and then export them back out to
> the SC playlist folder, but I only need to do it once a week or so, and
> it beats writing down the information to change in JRMC later--like I
> used to do.

Yeah, actually that part I'm not really interested in.  But I've using
ratings in JRMC almost exactly like you have, 1 and 2 for stuff I don't
want in playlists, 3 for stuff that could come or go, and 4 and 5 for
the stuff I really like.  When I can duplicate my JRMC smartlists in SC
I'll be happy, and looks like I'm getting there.

Oh, here's an off-the-wall n00b question, some of the songs in the
TrackStat display in the web UI have a number next to them eg "(3)" or
"(2)", what is that?

> By the way, by using keywords in JRMC and the SQL Playlists and/or
> Custom Browse plugins in SC, you can do some interesting things. For
> instance, I use a special keyword in JRMC for the music I know my
> husband likes. Then I used Custom Browse to create a Browse menu of
> only those artists, so when he is around I have a much smaller list to
> scroll through to find something he will tolerate. I also made an SQL
> playlist that selects songs based on his keyword and my ratings so I
> can easily start playing a mix of songs I know we will both like. 

That does sound useful, fortunately I don't need anything that tricky
yet :)

> Since JRMC writes keywords to the file's comment tag, these are scanned
> in by Squeezecenter without the need for another plugin.
> Hope that gets you going, but post back if you need more help!

That does, thanks a lot!

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