I think what you have is okay.  The SC scanner will follow link files, but it 
will store the path to each source file found, so if you have pointed to the 
same physical path as MusicIP reads the files through, that will match.

I actually made a change to the MusicIP plugin such that the plugin imports 
MusicIP mixable status only into SC, and thus is a lot faster.  It's also more 
robust to issues with tagging incompatibilities between SC and MusicIP.  I 
suggest you try using this to see if you find the setup easier.

In the MusicIP settings (Settings > Advanced > MusicIP), there is an option 
"Only read mixable status from MusicIP (faster)".  Select that.

The way this works is that the SC scanner will read source file tags into its 
library, and then ask Music IP for each file whether the song is mixable.

With the old way, the SC scanner will read source file tags, and then read all 
information from Music IP and merge it into the SC library.  This can cause 
duplicates, tagging issues, and is very slow.
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