dip;396870 Wrote: 
> When I browse the standard "browse album" menu on the Controller the
> albums are correctly sorted by artists which have their own complete
> album and the compilations are sorted under artist name "Diverse"
> (German for Various which I have set explicitly for all compilation
> albums to ALBUMARTIST)
Are you saying that all your compilations have ALBUMARTIST set ?

dip;396870 Wrote: 
> In contrast, when I browse the created CustomBrowse album menu the
> compilations are mixed within the "regular" albums. I tried different
> settings for the "Roles to include" checkboxes in the CustomBrowse menu
> definition page but nothing led to the correct result.
I thought the default settings with "Roles to Include" set to artist
and album artist should do this if you have ALBUMARTIST set as you
describe above but I haven't tested it myself.

The menu should probably have a bit more options to make it possible to
decide how to show real compilations where ALBUMARTIST isn't set, but I
don't think that will solve your situation.

dip;396870 Wrote: 
> Further, on the Controller, in all browse lists showing albums
> (starting e.g. from browse artist or browse albums) there is shown the
> album art on the left, the album name right to the album art and
> additionally the artist name below the album name. In the menu album
> list created with CustomBrowse there is shown the album name right to
> the album art and the artist is shown in parantheses after the album
> name (for compilations nothing is shown after the album name). It would
> be great if on the Controller display the artist name could be displayed
> below the album name as it is in the standard album browse menu of the
> Controller since with the present display most of the time scrolling is
> necessary to see the artist name.
Unfortunately a real solution for this requires major changes in the
plugin so I've so far decided not to do it.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.isaksson.info) 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'
erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=60152

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