Ian, glad you like it and had no trouble installing.

I'd like to hear what others have to say, and also what Gordon thinks.
If you recall my first opinion on the subject, I wasn't too excited. So
I don't feel like starting a project unless there is some demand for it.
Also, I am a little put off by the fact phpsysinfo stays mute on Macs.
My idea behind using phpsysinfo was gaining a cross-platform API to
sensor data. 

So my question to you, Ian, is: does it work for you as is? If not I
might be able to tweak the stylesheet a bit more. Let me know.

You improvement ideas are valuable. I am now trying to reflect on it,
perhaps this is relevant to the topic of integrating with
SrvPowerControl. You've asked for, in essence, smarter/sorter paths to
the information, and interactive changes to them.
- There is an "OPML Playlist Browser & Editor" in SC, perhaps we could
use this system ?
- or, the transformation could generate a "Hide this node" menu item
for every (?) node. 
Using any of these would call *something* updating a stylesheet with an
additional kill structure. So, the next time information is generated,
that node is gone.
Overall, I think these proposals mean a 2-step generation procedure. 1)
the current -simplified- phpsysinfo XML to OPML transformation, 2) an
OPML to OPML transformation using a new stylesheet. 

If the "Hide this node" link is preferable to using the Editor (that
would work on SB3/SBC), then this means the plugin needs to listen to
some URL. Doing this could entail leaving the InfoBrowserAddon
personality and turning the code into a full plugin (?)

I don't know if you're using ContextMenu (by the heroic perterw), but
somehow in the latest release, this plugin has managed to grow an icon
for itself in the left browser window pane, under Extras.
I'm not sure this is the place for accessing static preferences (cf.
ContextMenu); but if srvPowerControl wanted to emerge "real-time"
information and one-time actions (place a block, shutdown...) this
could be the place, IHMO. 
And in this case we could integrate and display live/recent sensors
info as well. (And do the other silly -methinks- things, like shutdown
when some temperature reaches a threshold. Enter SrvPowerCop...)

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