Paul_B;410995 Wrote: 
> When the the plugin sends a device to SN from SC can it also shut the SB
> client down (in my case the SBB so it turns off and just shows the
> default clock)The short answer is: no.  There seems to be no easy mechanism 
> to do
this.  You are not alone in requesting this.  Epoch1970 has suggested a
way in which this might be done, but it requires using a new
communications protocol that I've yet to master.  For now, the easiest
thing to do is to go to web interface and to the
settings page for your player.  The default player "screensaver when
stopped" is "none."  Change that to "Date and Time" and you'll
accomplish in a few seconds what might take me a month of programming.
Paul_B;410995 Wrote: 
> When the server is powered up again can the attached devices been turned
> on?This would be a new feature, and seems like a reasonable option.  I'll
try to add this.  Thanks for the suggestion.
Paul_B;410995 Wrote: 
> A pretty specific request so may not want it implemented through the
> GUI. Is it possible to send devices to a different SC at shutdown
> rather than SN? (Basically I have two servers one low powered that runs
> 24x7 and looks after home-automation. The second is high power (Quad
> proc but 120W) so only on when needed and runs SC (the low power
> machine can't cope with the SC web interface)Yes, possible, and I don't think 
> it would be difficult to implement. 
The mechanism for switching players to SqueezeNetwork or to any other
SqueezeCenter is the same.  But, again, you're asking for a change to
several code modules, to the settings web page and to the stored prefs.
And I can't help but wonder how many folks would use this feature.  The
location of SqueezeNetwork is, I believe, hard coded into the code of
SqueezeCenter itself...I can't find any URL for SqueezeNetwork in the
server.prefs file.  That would have been the easiest fix, had it been
there.  The 2nd easiest fix would be if you wanted to ALWAYS switch to
that low-powered server and not to SqueezeNetwork.  If that is the
case, then I can walk you through a couple of simple modifications to
SrvrPowerCtrl's code in order to make this happen.

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