I think you have a number of issues which needs to be corrected.

There are 2 parts to getting art displayed.
1. Ensuring art is in a location and named in a manner that SC
2. Ensuring the displaying devices displays the up to date art and not
a cached image (and the missing art image is also a cached image)  

I think your main problem is point 1 while you have been dealing with
point 2.

The following are some rules about Artwork.
* The only way to be sure SC database knowledge of cover art is really
up to date is to do a Wipe and Rescan.  Addition of artwork
incrementally and then browsing to a folder will ensure the artwork is
added to the database but is not always reliable at getting the new
image displayed. 
*Artwork embedded in a track is always used. 
* If the settings in SC WebUI Settings/Advanced/Formatting as Artwork
and Artwork Folder are blank then SC will check for the files names
below in the folder where SC finds a track.  The artwork in the folder
will then be associated with all the tracks in the folder.  For full
size artwork the search order is 
1. cover.jpg, cover.gif,
2. folder.jpg, folder.gif,
3. album.jpg, album.gif,
4. thumb.jpg, thumb.gif,
5. albumartsmall.jpg, albumartsmall.gif 
Some variations of upper and lower case but not mixed (e.g. jpg or JPG
but not Jpg ) are supported but best practice is always use lower

* If the settings in SC WebUI Settings/Advanced/Formatting as Artwork
is *not* blank  (i.e. a patterns has been defined such as
%ARTIST-ALBUM.jpg) - then (I think not 100% sure) SC will first look in
the Art Folder for pattern matched filenames, if no success then in
track directory for pattern matched file name and then failing that the
usual cover names.

In your setup I think you have asked FindArt to save artwork in a
special folder. I intended this option was intended for use where the
Music folder is write protected such that SC cannot write and so to
save art another folder is needed.  Theintention was rhat the user
could then copy and rname the file afterward to its final destination. 

As FindArt can save multiple art files in this directory a unique name
is generated. The filename are generated from some of the album details
and a counter - FindArt does *not* use SC's Artwork setting to create
the name nor does FinaArt use SC's Artwork Folder setting as the
destination folder .  Temporary files have name with random letters but
these should be deleted unless there was an error which prevent it being
renamed to a recognisable file name.  Since you have selected to save
cover files - the temporary files and the saved cover files are all in
the same directory.

Since you have single tracks in folders you would be best embedding the
art in the track. An alternative would be to define a Artwork pattern
which SC can use to derive the cover art filename from the track file &
folder name  or tags in the track 

It will probably be helpful to read the Wiki entry even though it is a
bit out of date - http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/Album_Artwork

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