Ha! Very clever! And very cool.  I'll add a set of "playlists" for this
sort of thing to the next release. Thanks!

I'm a little surprised that that method doesn't run afoul of the
anti-CSRF protection stuff.  If you try that url in a non-squeezecenter
browser session, does the anti-csrf warning get displayed?

I can see the utility of your suggestion: a "bridge" between playlists
and the CLI.  I agree that that would open up another helpful avenue for
automating tasks.  It would just take a semi-trivial enhancement to the
CLI plugin to enable this: a web page and some page handling perl
code....that or a new, relatively simple "cliBridge" plugin.

As to your suggestion that SrvrPowerCtrl webUI actions be drag-able to
the playlist...off hand, I'm not sure how to accomplish this.  I'll tack
this onto the todo list for further investigation.

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