No, Ive only ever used english, it only does it when om on
squeezenetwork, I'm just browsing now, initially i got english but i
presssed the more button to go back and now the second line reads
"nyligen gjorda sokingar" but the rest of options are all in english.
when i click that link i gt three options sarah, sarah and sarah mc, no
idea what these relate to.

The settings>audio is also in another language but then i go into
uberblendung and the options in it are english, i just pressed settings
to go back and it was in english but then changed i think now to italian
(dissolvenza and regolazione)

ive just gone back to the root more menu and half of them are now
changed also,
(ar, ny musikk, spillelister, sok) but then english  library, radio
services, stores)

this was all typed as i was using the app, its all very strange but
squeezenetwork acct defo set to english

I just tryed clicking Ar (top option in more menu) and got a unexpected
response channel error)

everything is very odd, maybe a video would help you understand! its
all a little amusing to me (at the moment) but sure others would just be
v annoyed!

a quick restart of app and everything back in English a a little play
and now the audio settings are in anothr lanuguage (blod overgang,
justering af lydstyrken)

Off to bed now, talk again tmw.

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