dip;449228 Wrote: 
> I have a similar problem like chris mason. I am running SC on an Ubuntu
> 9.04 machine which I use only as music server. Music is stored on local
> disk. The music directory (/media/Musik) on this disk is shared via
> samba.
> On my desktop PC I am running Windows XP. There I use MediaMonkey to
> hear music. The music directory from the linux machine is mapped as Z:
> so the path MediaMonkey uses to access the music files is Z:\Musik\...
> When I forget to set the block for SvrPowerControl manually, music
> suddenly stops when be played with MediaMonkey since the music server is
> sent to suspend mode by SvrPowerControl.
> I would like to start MediaMonkey through a batch file on Windows which
> first sets the block on the remote music server, then starts MediaMonkey
> and after closing MediaMonkey clears the block on the music server.
> How can I set and clear the block on the remote machine?
You can use my SCCLITool.exe utility that's available in the
SCPowerTool.zip download:

Your batch file might look something like this:


  @echo off
  set SCPORT=9090
  echo Checking scserver status..
  ping %SCSERVERIP% -n 1 -w 10 >NUL 2>&1
  if errorlevel 1 goto wakeup
  goto awake
  echo SCServer is asleep...attempting to wake it up..
  rem Wakeup the server..
  %windir%\util\wolcmd.exe %SCSERVERMAC% %BROADCASTIP% 7 >NUL 2>&1
  sleep 18
  goto checkwake
  sleep 5
  %windir%\util\SCCliTool.exe srvrpowerctrl setblock Media_Monkey_Playing 
viacli -h scserver -p %SCPORT%
  rem insert media_monkey command line here..e.g.:
  start "Media Monkey" /WAIT "C:\Program Files\MediaMonkey\mediamonkey.exe" 
  %windir%\util\SCCliTool.exe srvrpowerctrl clearblock Media_Monkey_Done viacli 

You'll need to fix up the "set XXX=XXX" values to match your own setup.
And I'm totally guessing as to what the command line for Media Monkey
might be.  You'll need to fix that up too.

You can get the wake-on-lan cmd line tool from
http://www.depicus.com/wake-on-lan/wake-on-lan-cmd.aspx.  You can get
the sleep and other utilities as part of the Windows Server 2003
Resource Tool Kit from here:

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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=48521

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