geoperkins;453268 Wrote: 
> I have been waiting for a good power save utility for my SqueezeBox
> music network since before Logitech bought SlimDevices. It is really
> nice to see something on the cusp of realization. I am hopeful Logitech
> will reward the author of this endeavor for the hard work. But for now
> it is freeware and I can only hope out of the goodness of the collective
> hearts of those working on PowerSave that you can help me. 
> I have read this entire thread and also
> Somewhere reference was made to detailed installation instructions (a
> readme file), perhaps a link on the SqueezeCenter settings. I can't find
> the instructions anywhere. What am I missing?
For starters, it looks as if you are confusing two rather different
plugins. Your link and text refer to PowerSave, but you're reading and
posting posting in the main thread for SrvrPowerCtrl. Under those
circumstances I'm not surprised you find the documentation confusing.

There is nothing wrong with trying each of them, although I think it's
unlikely you would ever want to run both at the same time. For my needs
I prefer SrvrPowerCtrl. Go to the first post in this thread to get the
current version of the plugin, which includes some pretty good
documentation. Good luck.

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