Music paths are the same in iTunes and SbS. But I don't use iTunes
integration in Squeezebox server.

> TrackStat iTunes Statistics Export module: Sends statistics information
> from Squeezebox Server to iTunes

That's what I am using now, and it's working good for SBS --> iTunes.

The only thing now that's not getting synced up is if I listen to music
on my iPod. When I sync the iPod with iTunes the play counts will be
updated there, but then they won't be updated in Squeezebox server. 

I was looking at TrackStat iTunes Statistics Import, but I wasn't sure
if it would overwrite everything in SbS or ONLY update the iPod plays.

If I can't import my iPod play stats to SBS, it won't break my heart,
but it would be cool to have it all sync'd.



1 Duet | 2 Booms | 1 Radio (beta)  | 1 Touch (beta) | 1 SB2 
HP MediaSmart EX470 | Squeezebox Server 7.4
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