I used SvrPowerControl with SC 7.3 without problems to suspend SC after
45 minutes idle time on Ubuntu 9.04. After upgrading to squeezeboxserver
7.4 the plugin did no longer work so I uninstalled it.

I have now tested the new beta of the plugin and it crashes my
squeezboxserver. I enclose my server.log file. I manually installed the
beta version by copying the SvrPowerControl folder to
/var/lib/squeezboxserver/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins. After a server
restart the SvrPowerControl links wer shown in the web interface main
page of squeezeboxserver but the plugin was not listed on the plugins
page of the sqeueezeboxserver settings. And there was no way to access
the settings page of the plugin (there was also no prefs file

I tried then to suspend the server using the links on the web interface
main page but this did not have any effect. I than tried to shutdown the
server using SvrPowerControl and then squeezeboxserver died.

|Filename: server.log                                               |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=8491|

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