Hi Erland

I had been happily running SqueezeBox Centre 7.4.0 on Ubuntu 8.10 with
some of your plugins (Dynamic Playlists, SQLPlaylists and CustomSkip). 
I can't remember exactly which versions these were but I donwloaded them
a few months ago.

I have just rebuilt the PC running this (ASUS Eee Box B202) to run
Windows XP as I need to connect a web cam to it that I couldn't get
working on Ubuntu.

I have installed Squeezebox Server 7.4.1 (although I first put 7.4.0 on
and saw the same problems).  I then added the same plugins as I had
previously.  I have added a filter to the Custom Skip to skip recently
added artists if they have already been played in the last 30 songs (as
I had previously).

I created a standard playlist which includes all songs tagged with the
"Random" genre I have added.  This has 1643 tracks.  When I hover over
it from the web interface and select the dynamic playlist followed by
Play Random Tracks the SqueezeCenter becomes unresponsive for about a
minute as it adds 10 tracks to the Playlist.  It then starts playing the
first track and all seems OK.  After the next tracks plays to about a
minute (I have add next track after set to 60 seconds)  the display on
my SqueezeBox 3 stops updating for about 45 seconds.  The currently
playing track time is updated in the web interface.  The next track is
not shown as being added in the web interface until the 45 seconds are
up, at which point the display on the Squeezebox 3 starts scrolling
again.  IF I try to clear the playlist from the web interface during
this time nothing happens.

This all worked perfectly under Linux, and I don't see that XP would
cause this.  Can you make any suggestions as to what would cause this,. 
IF you need to get me to turn on specific logging please let me know.

Thanks in advance,

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