ceepan;476312 Wrote: 
> Hi Erland
> I had been happily running SqueezeBox Centre 7.4.0 on Ubuntu 8.10 with
> some of your plugins (Dynamic Playlists, SQLPlaylists and CustomSkip). 
> I can't remember exactly which versions these were but I donwloaded them
> a few months ago.
> I have just rebuilt the PC running this (ASUS Eee Box B202) to run
> Windows XP as I need to connect a web cam to it that I couldn't get
> working on Ubuntu.
> I have installed Squeezebox Server 7.4.1 (although I first put 7.4.0 on
> and saw the same problems).  I then added the same plugins as I had
> previously.  I have added a filter to the Custom Skip to skip recently
> added artists if they have already been played in the last 30 songs (as
> I had previously).
> I created a standard playlist which includes all songs tagged with the
> "Random" genre I have added.  This has 1643 tracks.  When I hover over
> it from the web interface and select the dynamic playlist followed by
> Play Random Tracks the SqueezeCenter becomes unresponsive for about a
> minute as it adds 10 tracks to the Playlist.  It then starts playing the
> first track and all seems OK.  After the next tracks plays to about a
> minute (I have add next track after set to 60 seconds)  the display on
> my SqueezeBox 3 stops updating for about 45 seconds.  The currently
> playing track time is updated in the web interface.  The next track is
> not shown as being added in the web interface until the 45 seconds are
> up, at which point the display on the Squeezebox 3 starts scrolling
> again.  IF I try to clear the playlist from the web interface during
> this time nothing happens.
> This all worked perfectly under Linux, and I don't see that XP would
> cause this.  Can you make any suggestions as to what would cause this. 
> If you need to get me to turn on specific logging please let me know.
> Edit:
> I have noticed that during the unresponsive time,task Manager is
> showing that mysql.exe is consuming 100% of the cpu.
> I have also tried doing the smae with a much smaller playlist (30
> items).  I did not get the unresponsiveness.  There was also no issue
> when selecting the Dynamic Playlists->Random->Random Songs
> Why would Windows exhibit this behaviour when Linux didn't?
> Thanks in advance,
> Paul


Have you hd a chance to think about this issue I am seeing?


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