MunichMelly;477443 Wrote: 
> Only very few of my iplayer items will play.
> The ones which play seem to have a URL displayed (e.g.Listen Live - BBC
> Radio 1Xtra). The majority of items only have a picture and a
> description but no URL, and do not play (e.g. Listen Live - BBC Radio 1,
> or any of the historical items).

bpa;477539 Wrote: 
> I'm at a loss.
> AAC support on Linux was not standard in 7.3.2 so something has been
> added to your system which is non standard but enabled AAC support.
> SSOTS is a special build of SC with a lots of things added and changed
> to suit the QNAP systems.  
> To stream BBC in AAC you need a special version of faad and I don't
> think your setup has it - even if you move to 7.3.3 I could still not be
> sure about what changes SSOTS has made.

Triode;477908 Wrote: 
> I believe it needs to be 7.3.3 to have support for AAC radio streaming. 
> I would upgrade this server before using it to test iplayer.  Ideally
> you upgrade it to 7.4.1, but 7.3.3 should work.

MunichMelly;477990 Wrote: 
> After upgrading to 7.3.3 on the vista machine iPlayer now seems to
> work.
> Thanks.
> Unfortunately the same thing did not work on the QNAP, where I still
> have missing URL's for programmes which now work on the vista
> installation.

There seems to be many people still having the same problems i.e.
BBCiPlayer not playing listen-again streams on a QNAP (e.g. see ) but I can't
actually find any bug reports or any signs of anyone working on a

I understood from the above, that the necessary version of faad is
included in Squeezecenter from version 7.3.3 but this doesn't seem to
help on a QNAP installation. 


Is this an issue with the Linux version of SqueezeCenter, 
or is it a specific problem with SSOTS?

How can we help to find out?

How can users with this problem best raise or support a bug report to
get this issue fixed?

Thanks in advance, and sorry if this post is out of sequence.


~~~~ System Info ~~~~
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 62)

Squeezecenter v7.3.3
on QNAP 209 pro (SSOTS v3.15) or Vista laptop

BBC iPlayer (v0.9f) - laptop o.k., but most streams don't play on QNAP
BBC iPlayer Extras (v0.3)
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