bpa;482637 Wrote: 
> Please do not lump problems together just because they have the same
> symptoms. This can result in multiple conversations happening in the
> same thread which can be confusing.  Each user's problem should be
> worked through until the problem is understood.
Sorry - I was actually trying to quote and reference back to a problem
which was discussed earlier within this same thread and which at that
time had not been completely worked through. It seemed natural to come
back to the same thread to raise this again, but I apologise for
effectively "butting in" in the middle of a conversation which had
meanwhile moved on, and therefore causing confusion. Thanks for
answering my questions anyway, and referring relevant users to the other

In order to try to guide the conversation back to where it was, dealing
with jackleaves' problem ....

bpa;481180 Wrote: 
> That shows faad.exe is OK.   It looks like your problem is not caused by
> the "usual" sources.
> Since the "illstreet48.pls" also fails - it indicates the problem is in
> the SC transcoding which involves faad.exe but it is not clear why it is
> failing.  So it is necessary to get some more detailed log messages to
> see what is happening when trying to play.  Can you do the following.
> 1. WebUI Settings/Advanced/Logging  set player.source to DEBUG and
> click Apply.
> 2. Using WebUI Tune-in - try to play
> http://www.somafm.com/illstreet48.pls
> 3. Wait 1 minute after clicking "play"
> 4. Open the server.log window see WebUI Settings/Information bottom of
> page.
> 5. Copy into a text file (use Notepad) all log messages from time of
> "Play" to last message.
> 6. Zip the file and attach to a post.


~~~~ System Info ~~~~
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 62)

Squeezecenter v7.3.3
on QNAP 209 pro (SSOTS v3.15) or Vista laptop

BBC iPlayer (v0.9f) - laptop o.k., but most streams don't play on QNAP
BBC iPlayer Extras (v0.3)
MunichMelly's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=33549
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=69588

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