gharris999;489798 Wrote: 
> What operating system are you running?  Which version of Squeezebox
> Server are you running?  Which version of the plugin have you
> installed?
> There isn't any way for the plugin to 'stuff up a system'.  It makes NO
> changes to any system configurations other than: on linux and OS X, a
> couple of scripts are installed to /usr/local/sbin and some permissions
> are set in /etc/sudoers.  On Windows, the SCPowerTool.exe utility must
> me installed, but that's it.  No other changes are made...nothing
> written crontab or to the system scheduler, nothing written to the
> registry, no services installed, no drivers, etc.  Putting your system
> back the way it was is as simple as deleting the plugin and undoing the
> changes cited above.
> I'll be happy to try to help you debug these issues, but I'll need more
> info from you.  Thanks.

Thanks Gordon, have system restored to remove the install as it was
just weird. When installed worked fine manually through the controller
menu ie hold sleep, choose option, shift right to action. But later on I
could choose option but it would not hit right.

I am using XP pro SP3, server Version: 7.4.0 - r28672 @ Mon Sep 28
19:51:11 PDT 2009

and installed Latest released version of SCPowerTool, packaged as NSIS
installer -- required for SrvrPowerCtrl on Windows!

Many thanks in advance for your help, think it's a cool plugin if I can
get it to work!

wonder boy
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