Hi all,

I'm a very late convert to MusicIP, and I now see why so many people
here love it. I've got a large music library and so much of it is
actually getting listened to now, thanks to MusicIP! I sure hope the IP
that makes up the MusicDNS technology survives somehow.

Anyway, I'm having some "issues" with the latest version of MusicIP on
Windows 7 x64 scanning my 60,000 tracks. I have the PUIDs stored in most
of my mp3s but there are about 1000 that don't currently have it stored.
Beginning with no database (I deleted the .m3lib file to make sure I was
starting pristine) I pointed it to my M: drive (local HDD) where all of
my music resides. It went through and catalogued everything, but
indicated that it needed to validate 1700 tracks, which is fine... but
it never made any progress doing so. Looking in task manager the mipcore
process never gets triggered, and musicip itself eventually just hangs.

I have tried this several times, deleting the m3lib file in between
tries, and it's always getting stuck in the same place. I have tried
various settings in the MIP preferences in terms of using multiple
threads (this is a quadcore machine), analysis priority and processor
usage... to no avail.

So I decided to give genpuid a try. I had the forethought to get a DNS
key while it was still possible to get one. I blew out the m3lib again
and told genpuid to recreate it in the same path, told it to archive the
puids, etc. It took quite a while but it did complete successfully. I
thought I was home free, but then I went to open MusicIP back up and got
this message:

"A library already exists from a newer version of MusicIP Mixer. If you
proceed, this library will be removed. Do you want to continue, and
create a new library?"

So it seems the version of genpuid I have is newer than the final
version of MusicIP Mixer, and the m3lib format is apparently not
compatible between the two.

Thing is though, I've seen discussion (I think in the wiki writeup on
MusicIP) that you can use genpuid and MusicIP together. And I do need
the GUI in order to create a filter that excludes my Xmas music from
musicip mixes.

However, since I'm having issues generating the library with the GUI I
would like to try to get a version of genpuid that is compatible with
it. Or, if someone knows how to make the new version of genpuid get
along with musicip mixer that would be great too.

Pertinent info:

MusicIP running in headless mode
Squeezecenter 7.3.4
MusicIP Mixer version 1.8 1b (Monday, October 08, 2007)
GenPUID version 1.4

Thanks all--great forum here!

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