MillmoorRon;499028 Wrote: 
> I'm importing the Track Stat backup file from my old system and
> initially I had repeated audio gaps for a few miuntes but since then -
> about a hour - I still have a very unresponsive system and the HD light
> is flashing lots.
> Is this normal? 
> How long would you expect it it to take? (my backup file was 17.7 MB)
My 5MB TrackStat backup takes a few minutes to restore.

You should see an entry in the server.log file when it's finished.
If you want to see if it's doing something you can temporarily enable
logging on plugin.trackstat and see if it outputs something in the log.

If there are file paths to non existing files (renamed or moved) in the
backup it may take a long time because every time it try to find a track
that doesn't exist it takes a few seconds. This was a lot faster in
earlier SBS releases but Logitech decided to change the database tables
a bit in 7.4 so now it's really slow, especially if you have a large
I suspect this is what happens in your case. This functionality can be
disabled by setting the "Find alternative files" parameter in the
TrackStat backup settings page to "No".


Erland Isaksson
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(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'
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