I'm using MediaMonkey to write custom tag information to my MP3 files,
and I can't get CustomScan to read this information.

MediaMonkey supports custom tags, and according to its documentation,
the custom tag information is stored in a tag called
COMM:Songs-DB_CustomX, where X is a number from 1 to 4 (I'm just using

I've tried to get CustomScan to read this information by including
"COMM:Songs-DB_CustomX" in the "Tags to scan" field, but it doesn't seem
to be working.

When I looked at my MP3 files in Mp3tag, they are showing a tag called
"COMMENT SONGS-DB_CUSTOM1".  Note this differs from the MediaMonkey
documentation in three ways:

1. "COMMENT" vs. "COMM"
2. Space vs. colon between COMM/COMMENT and SONGS
3. Tag is showing as all-uppercase in Mp3tag

I've tried configuring CustomScan (in the "Tags to scan" field) with
various combinations of COMM/COMMENT, space/colon, and uppercase vs.
documented case, all without success.

Am I missing something simple here, or is there something with the
syntax of the space or the colon in the tag name that is causing
problems here?

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