indifference_engine;513601 Wrote: 
> put CUSTOM1 into the CustomTag name
It should be enough to specify it in the tag mapping field

indifference_engine;513601 Wrote: 
> In MultiLibrary I have put the CustomTagValue into the relevent box and
> refreshed the library but it shows 0 songs.  
Do you see the "Tag name" list box attribute in the library definition
? Have you selected CUSTOM1 in the list ?

indifference_engine;513601 Wrote: 
> Is there some way I can look at the CustomScan tables directly to see
> if the data is there or not?
There is a "Custom Scan Info" menu template in Custom Browse that lets
you browse it.
If you know some SQL I can recommend the Database Query plugin and
looking at the contents of the "customscan_track_attributes" table.

indifference_engine;513601 Wrote: 
> What else could I do?
You can:
- Post or send me the customscan.prefs file and the *.ml.values.xml
file that represent your library in Multi Library plugin.
- Send me a file which should have the necessary tags, I've no idea if
MediaMonkey stores the tag differently depending on some configuration.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'
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