indifference_engine;512508 Wrote: 
> I put your mapping code into CustomScan's tag mapping and CUSTOM1 into
> the list of tags to scan but it caused SBS to hang on starting, maybe
> because I was asking it to do too much work? 
Custom Scan does a refresh at startup. If that takes a lot of time, it
would be great if you enabled "info" level logging of
"plugin.customscan" and did a restart and posted the log. There might be
some SQL that isn't optimized for large libraries, the log should tell
you how long each part of the refresh takes.

indifference_engine;512508 Wrote: 
> I had CustomTag and MixedTag enabled.  Do I actually need MixedTag for
> this?  
Custom Tag should be enough if you only want to use them in Multi
Library plugin. Mixed Tag is only needed if you want to mix the custom
tag with standard SBS information within the same menu.

indifference_engine;512508 Wrote: 
> Is there step-by-step instructions on setting MultiLibrary up with
> CustomTags?  
No I don't think there are any step-by-step guide, the guides that
exists are those linked from the Multi Library wiki page:

indifference_engine;512508 Wrote: 
> Also, in MultiLibrary I saw the option for the tag value but not for
> the Tag name.  
I think the "Tag name" parameter only is shown if there are any tags in
the database, so after you scan with Custom Tag scanning module it
should appear. Do the Custom Tag scanning before you create the

indifference_engine;512508 Wrote: 
> I also need to use the like operator rather than the equals operator as
> some tracks could be owned by more than one person.  I presume I can
> achieve this using the customSQL feature but would there be any
> performance hits?
There aren't any performance hits by using customized SQL for the
library. Generally speking LIKE is slower than = in SQL queries so due
to this there might be a performance hit. However, the query should
still be fairly simple so I suspect it will work.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'
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