>I was just confused by navigating a custom-browse menu on my Radio.
>I'm very used to TouchToPlay so expected to have a song start after
>clicking it. In a CustomBrowse-Menu this opens the options of the track
>(which I'd expect on the '+' icon).
I am happy that it brings up options, as I don't often want to play a single 
track.  This plugin is working how I would prefer the standard Browse functions 
to work.  I guess that if the action could be optional, that would suit 

I am having trouble though with long-touch on an album; it seems to take a 
while to pop up the album context menu.  In fact, it doesn't come up at all, 
until finger is removed from display, unlike built-in functionality.

[Edit: Take that back - it seems to be working better now - perhaps there's 
some initial pre-fetching going on that makes the UI go slow]

>Furthermore in the original library menu, when a select a song from an
>album, after the song has finished, the rest of the album is playing. It
>doesn't do so, when the song was started from within a CustomBrowse
There's an option to change the setting, in both globally for SBS, and for each 
individual menu in CustomBrowse (Custom Browse settings > Manage menus > [click 
menu name] > Play all songs in selected album).

If "play all songs in selected album" is enabled, playing a song actually 
queues up the whole album, but starts playback from the song you selected.
If "play all songs in selected album" is disabled, the song you play is the 
only song that is played.  This is my preferred setting, because you can play a 
whole album at album level, and the setting may not have a valid meaning in all 
menus anyway.  i.e. you can have menus that return random songs, or ordered 
differently, so "play all songs in selected album" is not something that makes 
sense to provide at a global level.
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