First, I'm sorry, but I've not read through all 50+ pages here. I was
extremely happy to find out about this plugin, but I can't really get
it to work. I was running some 7.5.1 beta, but installed 7.5.1 release
now just to see if that made any difference. However, when the plugin
is active I'm mostly unable to even start SbS, it starts up, starts
MySQL and the spotifyd then spotifyd dies or quits and then the rest of
the processes follow. I am running everything as a service on Windows
2008 x64 with a limited access user account. However, if I let things
start up after a full Windows reboot it mostly succeed in starting SbS
and keep it running. So, some kind of timing issues or something there.
As for when everything is running, I do get the Spotify menu, I do get
my play lists, but I cannot get anything to play. Any idea or tips to
where to start looking?


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