Bloodfaya;572077 Wrote: 
> Best plug-in ever!!! Can't believe spotify or logitech didn't take this
> step them selves, you kicked their ass in terms of usage improvement of
> their own products big time!! 
> Only improvement I wish for the plugin is as stated in a previous post,
> I.e the possibility to add songs to playlists without having to play it
> (listening to one playlist while browsing and adding songs to it and/or
> other lists).
> I use iPeng over iPhone or the Duet controller to control my SB, and
> have not found any way yet to perform what I suggest (if there is I
> apologize).
> But most importantly: thanks for a GREAT plug-in and keep up the good
> work!!!!!!
> BR Bloodfaya

The problem with doing this is more to do with the user interface
capabilities of squeezebox server and its different interfaces.  If
anyone can suggest how to manipulate multiple playlists easily then it
could possibly be done.

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